Stormdry Repointing Additives Mortar mix waterproofing enhancers
- Imparts water-repellency to the mortar
- Breathable (Additive No.1)
- Increased Flood Resistance (Additive No.2)
- Simple application

What are Stormdry Repointing Additives?
A certain amount of repointing will usually be necessary when dealing with rain penetration problems in masonry walls. This is because small cracks in the mortar course and cracks in the interface between the mortar and brick/stone can acts as pathways through which rain can penetrate. In many cases, only localised sections of mortar will require repointing. However, where the mortar is in particularly poor condition it may be necessary to repoint the whole wall.
Stormdry Repointing Additives are designed to enhance the waterproofing characteristics of mortar mixes used for repointing. They are diluted with water before being used as a gauging solution. Two types are available:
Stormdry Repointing Additive No.1
Stormdry Repointing Additive No.1 is supplied as a concentrate that is diluted with water and used as a gauging solution for cement:sand and lime:sand repointing mixtures. It imparts water-repellency to the mortar whilst still allowing it to breathe.
Stormdry Repointing Additive No.2
Stormdry Repointing Additive No.2 is supplied as a concentrate that is diluted with water and used as a gauging solution for cement:sand and lime:sand repointing mixtures. Stormdry Repointing Additive No.2 is polymer modified, so breathability of the mortar is reduced, however, as well as proving water repellency, it imparts enhanced adhesion and flexural strength to the mortar. For this reason it may be specified on projects where flood resistance or resistance to wind-driven rain is required.